Spoiler alert****
The best part of the movie is when the songstress at "The Last Real Save The World Concert" sings "listen to the qualified scientists". That about sums up what everyone in the movie should've been doing, listening to the expert scientists, astronomers, astrophysicists etc. But instead they choose to go with the advice of a narcissistic billionaire mogul who's only interest is the wealth of minerals on the comet. Another baffling thing is how in the whole world are there no other renowned respected scientists that the world governments could've looked to for valuable scientific advice as well corroborating what the character of DiCaprio was saying. But instead it's one college professor and his assistant who come up with a viable solution to the impending doom while the United States government ignores him and chooses to go with the most outlandish of plans only because they would rather risk the earth's demise to obtain the minerals on the incoming comet. The movie follows the same overly used narrative that it's America's responsibility to save the world while non of the other nations has a plan and just sit idly despite the foolish plan. The only other country who opposes the US is Russia and a mention of China here and there (another overused cliche). The acting was as good as could've been given the script and direction but the movie was so one dimensional that I lost actual interest and continued to watch because I kept hoping it would get better. Everything is happening in the US, except for a couple of montage scenes of other countries mostly at the end. A movie released in 2022 could've done better in terms of international inclusion, cooperation and participation as part of the story but this movie makes the same mistake as many other (not all) American movies by making it look like the US is the centre of the world and only they can save it. And God forbid should they fail then the earth is doomed. Which is what ultimately happens at the of this movie. I only picked up that the movie was a satire after I had watched it and then went through the reviews. I honestly watched this movie under the impression that it was a science/sci-fi flick and it sure started that way and quickly accelerated into a comedy just when I thought I was beginning to understand the plot. At some point I was confused at what I was actually watching. Is it a comedy? Is it a thriller or a sci-fi movie? I was genuinely confused at how such big actors agreed to be in a movie like this (of course it's because of the money). I believe the movie could've been a lot better if they had just ditched the humour and made a more serious movie with scientific basis. I don't really have a problem with the ending because I like it when a movie sways from the cliche last minute happy ending, which is what I was expecting, but in this movie the world does really end. I give it two stars only because of the actors and the unexpected ending.