Despite what critics say, as a Godzilla fan since I was 3, Godzilla: King of the Monsters is being put down unnecessarily by some critics. Being to harsh and bashing it in a manner that sounds a bit with standards too high to see how faithful, and well put together this movie is. Through the stories of the characters, and of all things involving the Kaijus. I could say sitting in those seats at the movies, just being in presence for something so spectacle on that large a screen just had me in awe! The emotions put into each scene including the monsters are spectacular, but theyre only there and impactful because of the people and characters put into them their stories made sense, they didn't contradict one another and they never went over the top, they acted just the way those certain people would if a scenario like that could have happened in my opinion. Plus, every movie involving monsters in a modern setting, it's basically a requirement for adding some form of human story, that's why people watch movies like these, to see how humanity would react. Of it was like the old Godzilla original, I can say not manu would have liked this film and it wouldve been more unbearable to watch the movie without context on why things are happening, and just mind numbing fight scenes. To me, a human story is a must because without it, why bother? Godzilla isn't a mindless monster smash 'em movie, it was originally made as a way to show an embodiment of human destruction and the consequences of War and Nuclear wastes, so why get rid of the humanity part in the story, for more action? Without emotion, action means nothing but mind numbing clashes with no real emotion, and no rooting for one side or the other. Godzilla is a big part of the story as are the people. Godzilla is just another aspect, not something to numb your minds seeing two monsters dish it out without putting emotion into it by including the story. So anyways back to the acting, Chandler seeing animalistic behaviors in the titans instead of treating them as just havoc wreaking monsters was just fantastic aswell, because if you really see that point every action of the monsters makes sense! Now mentioning jokes in the movie they weren't bad at all, in fact, there aren't many and they aren't that cheesy. They all fit into the story, from the spectacle of the ending, into key moments referencing back to the old Toho godzilla, this movie was made for Godzilla fans so before you go into it I suggest you go in with a fan mindset and understand what makes sense in a situation like that and look at the director's and writers, see not tell story telling in the actions of the monsters and characters. In my own conclusion, I believe Godzilla one upped itself making itself the best movie in the Kaiju cinematic universe, and I myself cannot wait for Godzilla vs Kong after seeing this spectacle of a film as I left the theatre so in awe of the CGI and the little details placed in the movie, so please. Have different expectations for each movie to not give the wrong messages when giving your reviews, don't try to set a standard of another movie and compare the two, that isn't fair for this movie of all things. So if you read this far I thank you.