I absolutely love SATC. It is still one of my go-to shows! But this spin off is nothing short of absolutely disappointing. It is nothing but shoving "wokeness" down your throat for 40+ minutes. Each. And. Every. Episode. And no Samantha :( Nothing makes sense...
Miranda is suddenly a lesbian when in SATC she was mistaken for a lesbian, got offended, tried it with a kiss and says, "yep, definitely straight".... and she judged Samantha for being in a relationship with a woman! I understand that people change but according to the "woke", your sexuality doesn't change. It just doesn't make sense to me.
And her leaving Steve...what?? Some people can only dream of finding someone to go home to and just be. And she is just going to throw that away...so sad! There is nothing wrong with enjoying the simple things in life.
Another thing...Carrie's podcast. She was told that she if doesn't sex up her talk then people will be uninterested. I find that to be extremely rude and pushy. It is okay to want to be discreet about your sex life. That was the great mystery of Carrie in SATC! She has always been discreet. This whole needing to expose your entire self to stay relevant is so off. Or humanity is.
I could go on but I think you get it... I do not recommend this show.