I’d like to start by saying that I am, indeed, a Christian and that I do, indeed, agree with the message that this movie is sending. That said, I rented this FIVE YEAR OLD movie for $5, and I feel I’m due a refund.
Why is it so hard for someone to make a Christian movie or write a Christian song that isn’t terrible and cheesy? This movie was all together made very poorly. The writing was robotic as was the acting. The story line was all over the place. The CGI was cheep (or badly done) and uninspired. The costumes were also very “cookie-cutter” as was the make-up and special effects. WHERE IS ALL THE GRIT OF REAL LIFE?! This move (as well as most other contemporary christian movies) was way too clean. Even the hotel room where a bomb went off was too clean and “put together”. Whomever directed this movie totally missed all marks.
Will someone please make a christian movie with the same grit, production and value as Passion of the Christ? Is that too much to ask?