The first few episodes were difficult to accept. Mr. Big dying, Samantha not being there, Miranda living in NYC and not knowing how to talk to people different than herself? Then losing Stanford? Watching Carrie be uncomfortable in today’s medium? It was like these people dropped out of reality for many years and were just being dropped back in again! But I can see these episodes were all about setting up the audience to be discussing issues of today. And we are getting to know the new characters now. It’s refreshing to see our Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte still friends, still supporting each other and dealing with Life at 55. Don’t cancel this show, please! We all need to watch all of our own issues play out, just like we did with Sex in the City! We learned from that show. We are going to learn from this show, too! But please, stop treating these women like they’re 75 instead of 55! It’s annoying.