I think everyone is locked into their first reaction to the fake news
generator., Donnie Trump,The "poor little rich kid".
Step back and remember throughout history efforts have been
made at great length to protect the truth from getting recorded.
The first thing I recall trump doing was to withdraw from the deal
with Iran. This was something that President Obama and our
closest allies settled on as constructive. Now trump withdrew
American partnership and levied sanctions. The real reason
appears to me being because it was President Obama's effort
and that is not to be History,and trump criticizes many things from Mr. Obama ,Just about everything he did.Do a web search
at . ( Did Trump withdraw from the deal with Iran to spite President
Obama ? )Many things people "of color" did has been left out or removed from our history and that is Racist"
And the Congress and Senate members that stand by and say/do
nothing should be voted out of office permanently.