This is a hilarious movie. I'm a sci-fi fan and love a good time travel flick, so I decided to try this one out. I didn't watch the trailer or read the summary before starting it, so I had no idea it was a Christian movie. What's funny is that is that I couldn't tell right away whether it was supposed to be sincere or if it was mocking Christianity. Some of the statements by the actors in the beginning were so outlandish (paraphrasing: "The Lord's word needs no evidence to support it, because it's inherently 100% true. The GOOD scientist will only report his findings if they coincide with scripture. If the findings don't support scripture, then they are clearly in error, as the Word is absolute truth.") that I figured, "This can't be real, right?"
Having said this, the premise was interesting, and the acting wasn't TERRIBLE. It was one of the more watchable B-grade movies I've seen in a while, so I went ahead and watched the whole thing. I quickly realized that the Christian agenda was sincere, which added an extra comical element to the movie.
Some of the dialogue is so incredibly contrived to force fit the agenda (basically teaching that "stealing is wrong" instead of "stealing is wrong BEACUSE CHRIST SAID SO!" has lead to the demise of our society), it's truly laughable. In one scene, when the main character is in the future, a little girl (10 or so) steals his hot dog while he's sitting in a park. He chases her down and confronts her, telling her, "It's a sin to steal!" She replies, "Oh yeah, says who?" and runs off. Of course, no one would say this in real life, but the strawman comment gives him the opportunity after she runs away to say to himself, ruefully, "The Lord says so."
Anyway, it's hard to imagine someone TRULY believing all the ideas pushed in this agenda in this day and age, but apparently, people do, which is almost as unbelievable as all the ideas pushed in this agenda!