I tried diligently to get beyond 450+ pages and won’t. Not can’t, won’t. I wish I could get my money back and the time wasted - never will. We only have 1441 min in every day. I wasted at least half of my daily minutes on this book!
How many times can the author say the same thing over and over and over and over and over?
We get it. Edward has no confidence after a century alive. Yes, he and the family hunt. Btw - would be much more interesting if he hunted people. Bella sounds like she’s not worth anyone’s time either. She’s well read (the classics) but is a loser otherwise.
What message and/or inspiration or engagement or fantasy or anything worthwhile can be ingested by any reader?
The comparison to Anne Rice is offensive. This book is banal at best. Happy someone (Meyer) can make a good living off this - it’s farcical. What a waste of time.