My honest and long thought out review with some spoilers because I hope to God you don’t watch this movie too. Be advised that I’m reviewing this despite not completing the film and trying my best to get through the second half on 1.5 speed. When considering the film itself, bravo, bravo! This was a real one. From the acting to the uncomfortable camera angles and the very theatrical horror-break tidbits, the entire thing was done really well. And it pains me to say so because I feel this movie should not have been made. We really get the feeling as audience members that the lead is actually psychopathic - had me thinking many times about how the director/writer could even produce such a film without being a deranged individual. You could probably watch any of the saw movies and still feel less revolted than after trying to get through this. And that’s the thing, this movie wasn’t even all gore, sure there was plenty of bloodshed but it was not the focus and it still managed to disturb me. (By the way, the effects were pretty good- pretty realistic.) Back to the lead’s acting, fantastic! You can really see the organization yet chaos, impulsive yet intelligent, sure yet unsure actions the character takes on his murdering spiral. I never got to the end to understand who this Verg he was conversing with throughout the movie was and frankly, I didn’t care. I decided very quickly that I wanted to get through this as fast as possible before realizing the risk on my sanity was not worth finishing it. Now the difference for me between the three and five stars for this was the why. Personally, unless you get a kick from experiencing such torment from others or relate to the frenzied nature of the lead, why would you like the plot? Why did they feel the need to make a realistic movie with such macabre content? I’d put the uneasy feeling you get from watching this on par with that of watching the Martyrs movie, both which I wish I could unsee. Violence, death, the pure disrespect for humanity and animals, the evil narcissism - unless you cannot empathize with life, how can you possibly make it through this and be okay? If this isn’t enough of a warning for you, there are also very explicit scenes with animal suffering and mutilation that I had to confirm with google that they were faked. You’ve been warned and if you still watch this, you’re either a have to see it to believe it person or a psycho yourself. I’m going to cleanse my mind with some kind happy videos now, thank you.