I watched today's episode where Matt Hancock was on the chopping board, Whilst I think what he did during covid was out of order, what gives these privileged women the right to judge anyone? show me a person who has never done anything wrong and I will show you a liar. Everyone deserves to be forgiven, Matt is only trying to show the real person he is and that mistakes were made but he wants to be allowed to move forward. yet JSP does her usual garbage mouthpiece, Who is this woman without this show, she is a has-been, Ruth Langsford lost her role of the front lady on this morning after her husband was fired and now has an on-and-off role in the job hardly someone that is qualified to speak about others and the issues in life. what's the saying? "let those without sin cast the first stone" I thank goodness work daily and don't have to suffer Frustrated women thinking that their views matter in this world, Get a life ladies and look at yourselves and your life then criticise that and leave others to get on with there lives. How ITV can put a programme out of a load of women acting like street gossip's stood on the doorsteps in pinnies with their hair in rollers?