Boring. Absurdist. Boring. It’s so over the top in it’s love of capitalism it’s almost sarcastic. There’s no nuance. It’s just pure drivel that feels like a rich religious fox news anchor wrote it. Watch a group of born rich entitled people, who inherit their wealth from REAL innovators, sit in meetings or fly/drive/take a train to other meetings. In between, they talk about boring absurd policies they will discuss in those meetings. The actions of the government are meant to show how evil it is. Mind you the policies they propose are so nonsensical they aren’t anything democrats would want. It’s just over-the-top to prove how dangerous to society the left is. These entitled white fat cats are the real heroes. There’s even an absurd jet plane race to try to make it kinda exciting (but it’s boring like the rest) - maybe like top gun even! Making money off others, even if others suffer, is the greatest thing you can ever do! All hail Enron!
The economy is collapsing, which is glossed over, but the intent is to blame the disaster on the left. They, of course, put gas prices at $30 a gallon…which ignores the role of the fact gas is a world commodity and prices are set globally and by the Middle East cartels. None of that is explained, it’s just all the fault of government. Anyways, the failed economy can ONLY be fixed by these rich people if the government would just leave them alone! They are tired, stressed, persecuted heroes struggling to save the nation!!!…..with board meetings and glasses of wine, vodka, or brandy.
Boring. Bloated. The entire cast is changed between episodes so “who is who” is all you end up trying to figure out for the first 15 minutes.
It’s a 30 minute plot dragged on for hours.