2 w0rds 4 ya guys ad0rable and addicting❣️
And I haven’t even finished the first seas0n yet❣️ WAY better then the m0vie❣️
Best sh0w since every which way and wizards 0f Waverly PLEASE make a 2nd seas0n❣️
Y0u’ve g0t a winner❣️
I L0VE this sh0w s0 much I watched the 1st seas0n 3 times already!
Impatiently waiting 4 seas0n 2 al0ng with c0untless 0ther fans PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RENEW RENEW RENEW RENEW BEST Disney plus sh0w EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER
Wh0ever d0esn’t like this sh0w has 0 taste in GREAT tv sh0ws Best sh0w I’ve seen J0sh Peck in since I was a little girl watching Drake & J0sh i’ve NEVER c0mmented 2 save a save a sh0w b4 n0w That’s say’in s0meth’in
PLEASE SAVE this fantastically addicting sh0w❣️THANK U S0 much Disney🤗🤗🤗🤗🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞