I love this series, I learned so much. It was fun to see young film makers but I would like to suggest that maybe you would consider doing a competition for those of us over 50 who have the wisdom and experience to make an amazing feature film. Since we are double their age maybe you could give us $14K to make a feature film and follow us old farts as we cast and film our features. I have several screenplays which were initially stage plays. A casting director told me to stop writing for the theater because there is no money there and to turn my plays into screenplays because independent film makers are so numerous in New Jersey where I reside. My play 'The Rooms' about addiction, recovery and hope was filmed by the local community college and then had a successful run on the stage. I watched the Barbra Streisand interview about 8 times, she is my heroine and you are my hero. I can send you my screenplays, only two to be considered, thank you for your vision and kindness to those of us who want to achieve greatness, despite everything! Carol Barden