A one-sided mini-series that could have been excellent but was too biased to take seriously.
The left hates Trump. Trump promised change. Russia had NOTHING to do with Trump winning the election and Obama had nothing to do with the tremendous job growth prior to Covid-19 killing the economy.
Who should voters have voted for? Someone who sounds great, says the right things, while you slave away working over-time for minimal pay or the boss that puts his foot in his mouth but who brings back jobs allowing you to make good money and have time to spend with your family?
Trump called out China and illegal immigration and corrupt trade practices. The left will never call out China, illegal immigration or corrupt trade practices as long as they are paid off. That was what the election was about. Not nonsense about side issues but meaty issues.
Corporations and the rich will continue to spew political hit jobs on Trump and his policies as it is about money (e.g., tariffs, borders, fair trade agreements, etc.).
Unfortunately Trump gambled that Covid-19 was a bad flu and this horrible gamble will most likely result in the loss of his presidency and maybe his life. Biden is about getting paid off, milking the system, corruption that is hidden within the system.
My issues are and will always be about jobs. When people are working and making good money everything else seems to fall into place. That is why I voted for Trump.