okay, so I finished reading this book today in fact just now and also thought to share my experience with the book quickly when I ended up searching for it on the internet. This tragic romance novel, as you might easily guess, when I mention "tragic", if you're a big reader, that this book deals with loss, grief and pain like moments. Unfortunately, the characters in love will not end up together as their fates didn't approve of them being "together" or "meant forever". I felt bad when all of a sudden, Finn the character I found seductive enough who would try and successfully initiate a perfect romantic relationship with his beloved childhood friend Autumn, dies. It was so unexpected ! I mean, I really hoped that the characters will get enough time with each other so to create a bonding between them, either romantic or friendship understanding, dealing with misunderstandings. Either it be Jack-Finn, Finn-Autumn, Autumn-Jack, Autumn-Sylvie, Sylvie-Jack, the mothers and their relationships with their husbands. Well, in my opinion, the novel missed that out, it ended fast, in dealing with these issues of more conversation so as to bring a sense amongst the characters, that all of them are survivors of unfateful events or equally hurt in some ways. Also, Jack's perspective of the whole situation to me, his story, just ended up being insignificant. Jack didn't had any major role ! His story was brought to life by the narrator beautifully, but his expression, his emotion, all of him to me, ended just like that when I finished reading his part. It was inconclusive. There was more room for enjoyment if the writer would have taken time. The novel was so close to leave an impact, it's undoubtedly beautifully written! Very very impressive ! When I was reading it, I could almost see myself witnessing the events! It's just like a movie scene! Whatever is happening, you're reading, you can imagine it because the lines..oh my god! Feels real conversation taking place! But as I said it just ended fast. Laura Nowlin is an amazingly gifted writer ! I won't lie, but there should be a little improvement, I believe so as to keep your readers hooked throughout your writing.