I honestly don’t see why this book is supposedly so bad. It’s absolutely not my favorite book, and it certainly wouldn’t be my first choice when reading a book to my kids, but I think it was rather sweet of the author to try and make something that would help people feel accepted. And sure, it probably wouldn’t help a ton considering that I’ve never met a queer person that is in the targeted audience, but it’s the thought that counts.
A lot of the reviews seem to think that this book is extremely sexual. There is no sexualization whatsoever. Feel free to correct me if you think I’m wrong, but don’t use the argument that mentioning sexualities like gay and lesbian are sexual. I can agree that talking about sexuality is generally a sexual topic, this book is aimed towards kids, so of course it stays PG. In this book, they are presented in a completely appropriate way for children. You say that something like “There was a man and a woman and they had a kid and loved each other very much” isn’t sexual (which it certainly isn’t), yet you also say that “There were two men and they had a kid and loved each other very much” is sexual. No. It isn’t. And not every relationship completely revolves around sex. I myself am asexual, and my partner and I still have a perfectly healthy relationship, without sex.
Many of the other reviews argue that it is “pushing the agenda onto children”. That’s rather hypocritical, considering the first thing that shows up when I look up “children’s books” is “Jesus and My Gender: Affirming Your Child's God-Given Gender”. I skimmed through the preview, and all that book does is push harmful gender stereotypes onto children. If so many people argue that people shouldn’t deal with labels and being queer until they’re older, then those same people should stop pushing religion onto children. They should be able to decide what they believe on their own time. Anyway, my point is, these people need to stop politicizing the children’s section! Just let kids be kids!
This next part is for people like Kyle Lu. (His review is below this one) Maybe you think it’s cool to mock the LGBTQ+ community. News flash, it isn’t. What you wrote is disgusting and insulting, not only to members of the LGBTQ+ community, but also people with mental disorders, like what you mentioned. So, you know, thanks for mocking hundreds of thousands of people around the world. (That last part was sarcasm to be clear.)
I’m not sure how most of you found this, but if you went searching specifically for this just to hate on it, that pretty stupid. If you just happened to come across this like I did, please don’t write a mean comment. If you dislike it so much, don’t waste your time writing huge paragraphs to hate on it. There are so many better things you could do with your time. I admit this may sound hypocritical because all I’m doing right now is picking a fight, but if you stop then I will too.
Also if you got to the end of this, honestly, congrats, you have a lot more patience than most people I know, including myself.