1917 is a masterpiece of cinema that manages to immerse the audience in the chaotic and brutal world of World War I. The movie, directed by Sam Mendes, follows two young British soldiers, Blake and Schofield, who are given a seemingly impossible task: to deliver a message to General McKenzie, which will save the lives of 1,600 men, including Blake's own brother.
From the beginning of the movie, I was invested in the characters and was desperate for them to succeed in their mission. The film's one-shot technique adds to the immersive experience, making me feel like I was right there with the soldiers, experiencing their struggles and challenges firsthand. The cinematography is breathtaking, with stunning visuals that capture the brutality and devastation of the war.
One of the most memorable moments in the movie is the use of the song "I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger." The emotional power of the song, combined with the outstanding performances of the actors, gave me goosebumps right in the middle of the movie. In fact, George MacKay, who plays Lance Corporal Schofield, fell down twice during the shooting of the film, which wasn't in the script. This unplanned moment just added to the intensity of the film and made it all the more remarkable.
The line from General McKenzie, "There is only one way this war ends, Last man standing," perfectly captures the futility and tragedy of war. It's not about who is right or wrong, but who is left standing after the attack is called off. This line emphasizes the senselessness of war and the loss of countless lives that it causes.
The scene between Lance Corporal Schofield and Lt. Blake's brother is heart-wrenching. The combination of the song "Come back to us" and the emotion of Lt. Blake's brother just adds to the already heavy sense of the film. The performances of the two lead actors, George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman, are outstanding. Both actors convey the fear and exhaustion of soldiers pushed to their limits, and their chemistry on-screen is excellent. The film also features several strong supporting performances, including Colin Firth and Benedict Cumberbatch.
Overall, 1917 is hands down one of the best movies I have ever watched. The film's immersive one-shot technique, outstanding performances, breathtaking visuals, and emotional depth make it a must-watch for anyone who loves cinema. It's a reminder of the sacrifices that soldiers make in times of war and the devastation that it causes. This movie will stay with me for a long time, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a gripping and emotionally powerful cinematic experience.