I started watching with absolutely no explanations and I just LOVE it! I have no trans friends but it drew me right in and gave me, I think, a pretty realistic view of what it is like to be born into the wrong body. There are so many different and interesting story lines. The family dynamics is fantastically funny, sad and inspiring, all at once. It is not the kind of series that most of my friends, most of whom are in their 60’s would like- probably because ofe sex scenes- but I think the series uses sex and nudity very successfully to illustrate each character’s development. I come away feeling like that sex is actually more magical than I ever thought because it is so important and yet on another level, it is far simpler than i ever imagined. It may not be that important in my own life but it is vital to many people. I sort of envy them actually and I don’t think these people are messes up. They are just human beings with wll their strengths qnd weaknesses. They are self absorbed but they draw you 8nto their world and you suddenly can see th8ngs from a perspective you never imagines. This show is just a fantastic series and I can't wait for season 4. I laugh so hard I almost fall out of my lonely bed!!