This show is turbo trash, I wish I could pick out some parts I think were ok but I can’t. The inclusion of ki-adi-mundi 30 years before his birth as an adult then the subsequent change in the cannon lore so he wasn’t out of place, was just nuts. Couldn’t even come up with an original Tory line for the off brand witches of dathomir, had a slam dunk with a Wookiee Jedi light saber battle and missed hard on that, not to mention the guy who killed him is casually dressed in the most rare and difficult to mine material in the star wars universe. Smilo ren casually wipes out 6 Jedi then has a hard time with the padawan. No one cares about the race sexual orientation or sex of the characters in the show, you don’t have to sacrifice good entertainment to be inclusive. I’ve canceled my Disney plus because of this series, it is the worst adaptation of a franchise that I have enjoyed since I was a child.