This is the most disgusting show I have ever seen. These wives and girlfriends need to run away from these little boys and mama's as fast as they can. The moms should be ashamed of the way they treat these women, the moms are so disrespectful and just flat out mean and condescending. But worse than that how can the boys let their moms treat the woman that they claim to love like that, it's just WRONG! I'm cringing over here. Maybe the mom and son secretly want to be in a relationship together, it's just WEIRD! I'm all for boys having a close relationship with their moms, but there needs to boundaries and clearly there are none. Good luck ladies, I suspect at some point all these relationships will end because of the moms. Hopefully the boys will wake up and tell their moms to STOP the blatant disrespect. I'll say it again good luck ladies. Deleting this program from my DVR schedule.