So sick of Cody and Robin. More sick of Cody then any body else. He try’s to come off as this nice understanding man that cares so much about his family. Yet he tells Meri that he regrets marrying her ,which means he regrets his daughter by her too. He’s not a man in my book at all. In the beginning of this show he talks about how wonderful Meri is and how much she contributes to the family. Now she’s nothing but I bet he still likes her money she’s put in the pot. Robin is a know it all and complains all the time and calls Cody out all the time and so does Christine. So how come that’s different then what Meri does. I think Meri gets such a raw deal in this family and she’s not the problem it’s CODY!! Cody if you were half the man that you claim to be, then you would be just ok. A man that follows the Lord teachings wouldn’t treat Meri the way you do. She gave you a divorce so you could marry Robin so you could adopt her kids by her first marriage You and Robin have never appreciate that she was looking after Robins kids. Both of you should be ashamed of yourself the way you treat Meri, I just can’t stand you Cody and you know what if you really read what people say about you. You would know that 90% of America can’t stand you and know you are so fake. Get over yourself and I pray all four women leave you. Take sister wife’s off the air. So darn fake