HOW IS THIS SHOW SO POPULAR 😭 I’m so sorry I wanted to like this anime so bad just like everyone did but the bad reviews on this anime are right, I’ll try to keep the spoilers to a minimum. FIRST,
The storyline: 3/10 the story line is pretty slow paced, we didn’t see a backstory or explanation of the whole thing till I believe episode 9-11 between somewhere around there, the story line kinda had potential but it just ended up being miserable and kept dragging on, I also didn’t like the whole dark concept of the anime I mean at least it’s an orginal idea but they couldve made it so much better, there was absolutely no comedy relief to make you laugh, or some cute funny moments at all, it was just sad and it got even sadder at the end, btw the ending didn’t make sense and got me confused and was so depressing, honestly it wasn’t even bittersweet. SECOND
The characters: 0/10 I think the worst part about this show for me was definitely the characters, THE CHARACTERS ARE SO UNLIKEABLE, at first I thought oh my gosh the characters are so adorable but after finishing this anime they are all trash, they were either too naive and kind or too cold hearted, and most of them were naive gosh don’t get me started on the main protagonist girl madoka, she is SO NAIVE UGHHH SHE TOOK 50 YEARS OFF MY LIFE what’s funny is the kind hearted anime girls are always my favorite but they made her too naive and stupid for my liking, they could’ve made her at least a bit smarter. THIRD
The artstyle: 8/10 the art style of the characters were so cute thinking it was gonna be a cute little anime but it deceived me, the fights were weirdly made, the witches were random objects or people idk it was weird but it was okay, there was also gore in the fights and something that kinda weirded me out was how sometimes the girls would be seen naked luckily they didn’t show us so up close that you could see there n1pples so thank god because their just middle schoolers so I don’t get why they were shown naked when turning into a magical girl and in the intro 😭.
The music: 9/10 the music would’ve been amazing BUT IT DOESNT MATCH THE ANIME AT ALL, the intro is all cutesy and girly innocent like but when you watch the show your like “oh nvm”
Overall rating of this anime: 1/10 I had to force myself to like this anime but it didn’t work out so sorry for the people who really like this anime it’s just my opinion anyways