A movie made very well bringing forth some hard truth about who we are as a nation, truly thought provoking. For everyone calling it jingoistic it's actually quite the opposite, makes you think hard on how we often take a moral high ground complaining of brain drain, while in reality treating the best brains of our country abysmally. There is nothing patriotic or jingoistic about this movie, nor is it hinging on Hindu nationalism (it's a biopic for godsake! let's get off our high horses for once). It infact leads one through a path of self introspection about the vain hypocritical judgement we cast on the best talent of our nation who have a lifetime of hard earned achievements that result in a biopic, while we ourselves contribute next to nothing to the country's well being (except our 2+ hrs of movie viewing time and a comment to spare at the end). The movie gets one to think deeper about international conspiracies derailing our country's progress using our own internal systemic failures and political vested interests- if anything the movie rings a bell citing it is indeed time to wake up and smell the odour in our own backyard! Definitely a must watch, kudos Madhavan for this effort- a fine actor and a finer director!