As an avid enjoyer of the Angry Birds TM series, having enjoyed many of this series’ installments, with Angry Birds Star Wars 2 TM being my favorite, I came into this cinematic with high hopes. After watching this thoroughly, I have a lot to say about it. The characters were faithful to their video game counterparts, +1 star. I enjoyed the plot, with the feeling of trust, then betrayal, and then everyone looks up to Red, realizing he was right. +1 star. The birds treacherous march towards the mountain was entertaining yet sad, with a feeling of relief once they reach the top. The party scene had me on my toes the whole time, hoping the birds would realize just what was happening. +1 star. The birds plan was smart, and the pigs plan to consume all of the offspring was terrifying. This movie had me biting my nails the whole time, and the execution of the birds’ plan was perfect. I shed tears once the eggs were back and those little blue feathered birds didn’t get their egg. Once red came back I was jumping up and down, squealing and almost waking up everyone in a 38,476 mile radius. The broken egg had me bawling my eyes out, until I saw the triplets emerge from it.
“THOSE ARE THE BIRDS FROM THE GAME!!!!!!!!” I yelled, ecstatic to see them. +1 star. The humor in this movie is great and this movie is well deserving of your watch. +1 star. All in all, this movie was exquisite, and I am happy that I spent 1 hour and 37 minutes of my life examining this masterpiece.