I so wanted to like this movie even though the premise is far from new - somewhere in space an artifact of unknown origin is discovered and a crew is sent to investigate….It has been done over and over it’s almost surprising another movie based on this would get green lighted.
I wanted to like it, partly because of the female lead, but in the end there are just too many flaws for me. The acting is very flat, and while the visuals of the ship aren’t bad, they are nothing to brag about either. Everything is relatively dark, physically and metaphorically - we are kept in the dark wrt the layout of the ship and even the roles of the various crew members. There are plot reasons to hide some of that, but for me it prevented any real connection or empathy for any of them, even Karla, the main protagonist played by Claudia Black.
There were many inconsistencies and things that just don’t feel realistic. Karla and Sen, the commander, have an antagonist relationship from their first interaction. The way he talks to her doesn’t fit the situation and the decisions he forces on them without any reasonable thought or discussion were just too unbelievable. For instance, without giving away too much: they reach the artifact they came to investigate and find their sensors ineffective in providing any detail about it. In such a situation any reasonable person, especially the commander of a vessel on an important mission, would want to consider the options and repercussions of various courses of action.
And even in a situation where a character has hidden motivations, you’d expect them to at least go through the motions so as to not draw suspicion - but that doesn’t happen here. It’s just plow forward, blindly into the unknown. If I were a crew member that would not sit well with me. As a viewer it definitely didn’t sit well with me.
Another unrealistic situation: one of the crew exhibits very disturbing behavior in front of the captain and rest of the crew, but is allowed to run off into the bowels of the ship (which we know almost nothing about) alone and no one seems concerned that he could become dangerous.
To investigate the artifact the ship they are on has the usual detachable module. Usually a subset of the crew disembarks while others remain to tend to the “mother ship.” In this case, everyone piles into the shuttle leaving no one aboard the main vessel in case something goes wrong.
I could go on and on. Independently these are all small nitpicks but together, at least for me, it adds up to big problems for the movie.