It is certainly an interesting approach. It was very gory and those scenes were well put together with the insane brute of the "being" BB.
However it disappointed in many aspects. The plot was very messy, it didn't have any natural flow to it. Not a lot was explained. Why was he suddenly urged to perform these insanely violent acts? Why did he come to earth? Where is he from even though he looks like a human? Why did he get "triggered" at the age of 12? Why is he suddenly emotionally numb?
The ending (without trying to spoiler it) seemed a bit too open for a movie, more like we're in the midst of a series with multiple episodes and it didn't make a lot of sense either for the point the movie is seemingly trying to bring across.
Looking at the budget it seems the movie has put all the money into the film making and actors instead of the plot writers. I don't know why it was praised so much in the newspapers etc. as something interestingly new. If you wanna see something freaky and cool go watch e.g. Venom.
Wouldn't recommend to watch the movie. The gory scenes were the only reason to stick to see with what kinda more grotesque scenery they could come up with.