The Netflix show " The Irregulars" is an amazing show,which perfectly in bodies the power of friendship.With spectacular characters, and breathtaking adventures.In my honest opinion "The Irregulars" is one of the best shows I have watched during my covid-19 lockdown,I never got bored.Honestly binge worth material, It is filled with thrilling adventures,tragic but irresistible!! romance and the becoming of individual heroes in their own way.In my overall review,I would advice everyone to watch this show.
I can't WAIT!! For season 2
The characters are AMAZING! The Irregulars group are so envy worth with anyone's friendships. With Beatrice( the heart and soul of the group),Jessie(the spirit of the group),Billy(The fists) and Spike (The Skelton holding the group together).Aswell can we talk about another main character Leopold(Leo) is such a wonderful addition to the irregular group.The way the writers have thought about the characters personalities, backgrounds and relationships are Wonderful.
As you (the reader) are probably reading the reviews of Netflix show "The Irregulars " and have probably read some negative reviews about the part or the representation of Sherlock Holmes as many people have stated that it is a poor adaptation of Sherlock Holmes but this I so not true.Yes, Sherlock Holmes is made to be viewed as a broken man as a broken man filled with grief upon his wife believed to be death, but the show Irregulars is not built on Sherlock Holmes reputation of the worlds best detective but is built on the plan of the growth with this crime stopping gang the IRREGULARS!
Honestly to anyone reading this,do watch it ,it is amazing and I honestly can't stop thinking about or thinking about watching it again.