I was really looking forward to this film, so I was sorely disappointed upon watching. The majority of the film feels like a sort of really confusing and badly executed rom-com without the com. There are also elements of psychological thriller at times which are fleeting. They introduce a new character who at times seems like he will ‘take over’ from Michael but he gives up by killing himself… why? He doesn’t do it because he’s a good person under the thrall of evil, he’s not. This character just exhibiting attention seeking behaviour and doing everything for little more than simple shock value, because he knows it got Michael attention in the past. The relationship between this new character and Laurie’s granddaughter is strange, forced and develops somewhat dramatically considering they’ve known each other for what seems less than a week. Laurie seems to want to do something but is unclear on what she should be doing or where she should be going. Michael himself in the entirety oh the 1hr 51m run time probably turns up for 15 minutes total, if that. It’s always been the idea in the main series that he may have supernatural abilities considering in the past he has easily overtaken Olympic sprinters while taking a leisurely walk. I realise this is technically a separate universe where things are more grounded, however he seems uncharacteristically weak in this film, while also showcasing some kind of telepathic ability he hasn’t used before in any other part of the series to my knowledge. Some may argue it’s a commentary on society, I say this is lazy script writing at best. It’s like they took partially written scripts with multiple different genres and smashing and forcing them together into a loose and semi coherent plot. Very disappointing.