Thank God for FOX, REPUBLICANS and President TRUMP!!! Otherwise we would all be singing KUMBAYA in long dresses and sandles waiting for more TAXs and another program to fund. The DEMS have lost their place as true representatives of the people and respect for themselves. Hey Berney, "Can I live in one of your homes?" Hey Nancy, Chuck and Diane, "Can I have the same Health Coverage you have (that I pay for) or can you have the same as mine?" (Not gonna happen.) Can I fly First Class and have someone else pay for it? Let the elite DEMS take down "THEIR" and fences and their security guards give up their guns "FIRST" then we can talk about walls and gun control. (Again, Not gonna happen) No middle class is their goal while continuing to fan the flames of racism and feminism.
Oh, and the vote is in...President Trump won. There now can we get something done besides hate-hate-hate?