Every new element introduced weakened the plot further and further. She's psychic, her mom's connected, he worships the devil, everyone is magically susceptible to the dolls, blah blah blah blah, BORE FEST.
A ripoff of SO many different films smashed into one. Dolls from Megan, weird Silence of the Lambs relationship between protagonist and longlegs, so many Nun-esque visuals I even asked if it was from the same "universe ", and good ole long legs basically just being the SAW guy without the tricycle. So many chances to go big on one of the many opportunities, so poorly written it couldn't get itself up to the task. Big shocker twist is he worships the devil and she's the original vic? Um ok lol.
YAWN, they had so many opportunities and fell on their faces. While Nick Cage did a good job as long legs, the mashup of so many different "scary stories" (including the zodiac killer type cypher) made this film feel scattered in a doing my English homework before the bell rings, NOT Helter skelter type of way.
Based on vague previews and hype, I expected more of a creature-type, croatoan, ancient evil, type of scare, not a connect the dots too far in advance, mildly creepy, 80's topical plot device film that went nowhere with each element and inspiration it decided to borrow from. less is more but this was... nothing.