It was a cool fall afternoon as i stare blankly out the window. The crisp air blew the branches as the tapped against the damp glass. I was thinking about my last few weeks left to live because of my terminal brain cancer that doctors had no cure for. I thought long and hard for a moment and it hit me, "There has to be more to my life than this... It can just be over this easily."
When suddennly the movie "Morbiboobies" had appeared on the television. I sat up and watched and nut 87 times whenever Dr. michael morboos came onb screen. Once the credits rolled i felt there was something missing in my life, and so i watched again. And again and again and again. I watched that movie 456 tiomes over the course of a wek and a half when i realised, "This, this is what hole in my life, it can finally be soothed with the sweet sweet filling of mobioos." I am writing this review as my last will and testimony as i sit on my death bed, family members surround me.
When suddenly Dr. Michael morbibboobies had blasted through tyhe door. He rest his palms on my head and disappeared without a trace. My cancer was gone. I have dedicated the rest of my life to watching and worshiping the movie morbiuous.
I am writting this after my 3 morbillionth viewiing of this sweet gift of teh Gods of a movie
Morbussy is changing lkives. Open up your eyes. Wake up america!