Ghost of Tsushima set the bar extraordinarily high for any future samurai games based on Japanese history. But I loved both games. Rise of the Ronin makes up for what it lacks in graphics (Which is what Ghost of Tsushima was mostly praised for) and it delivers greatly. Amazing difficult combat in which you can choose your own play style, a compelling story with multiple satisfying endings, awesome mechanics, and more. If you enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima not because of the graphics, but because of everything else, then I know you will enjoy this game and really would recommend it, especially if you were waiting for some kind of sequel. Now, the game does have its flaws, like horrible inventory management, stereotypical Ubisoft map, very easy normal and medium difficulties, annoying UI, and mediocre PS4 graphics for a game on the PS5. No game comes without flaws, and this is no exception. It is not as good as Ghost of Tsushima, I admit, but the game makes up for it, believe me, I had my doubts before I played it, but no it is one of my fav games. Truly an underrated title.