I really tried to give this one a chance. I did. I really like the original movie. I haven't seen the sequels; so I can't speak there if any of those are better than this. But what I *can* say is that this might've been one of the most unnecessary remakes I have ever watched.
Visual wise, I'll give them credit. Some scenes look good. Dark and dreary. As it should be for a movie like this. Lots of the movie seems to be during the night time with maybe only a few daytime sequences here and there. The action is decent for some scenes with the gore cranked up a notch for sure. Bill Skarsgard puts on a decent performance as Eric. It's not as captivating as Brandon Lee's will ever be, but it's not unwatchable. He does fine for what he is given here.
But that's really all I've got for positives. The rest of this movie feels slow, boring, and monotonous. The chemistry between Eric and Shelly in this one is non-existent compared to the original. Ironic because you maybe get 5 minutes of screen time in the original, and you feel for them more than you do in this one. I wouldn't even really call this relationship love in the 2024 version. The movie thinks so apparently. But really it was more like one hookup between the two for a couple of days. HOW THE HELL does that count as love? All the screentime spent with them and it feels like you barely know them. Hell, it seems like they barely know each other here, but apparently it is "true love."
Even if you took a look at this movie from an unbiased lens without comparing it to the original; there still isn't really anything that grabs your attention. At least for me it didn't. Even the villain played by Danny Huston felt like the most boring, yet also stupidest. Seriously...some of these character decisions make absolutely no sense from him or Shelly's character. In fact, they're pretty freaking stupid! And plot holes galore too.
Overall, save your time and money. Believe me, there was a reason this only took 3 weeks to come to VOD. Skip this and watch the original.