1. Jud grew up with Timmy in this movie but in the book and the 1989 movie, he is more like his father's age and it's Jud and his friends who try to get Bill out of the house when it's on fire.
2. In the movie, Jud has no idea what the Indian burial ground is yet in the book, he had buried his dog there as a young child after being told about it by a Micmac Indian.
3. How about some background story? It just goes right into burying Timmy. It would have been more interesting to know how Bill Baterman found out about the place and how Timmy actually died.
For a prequel, this movie is full of inconsistencies and as an avid Pet Sematary fan, I am once again disappointed by this move as much as I was with the remake. Pet Sematary 2 isn't the best remake ever made but at least it's consistent.