to think that i believed that james was genuine. i am very disappointed with his behavior. james not only disrespected fans, but bts. they’ve put time on their schedule just to come on the late late show.. the whole saying it’s “unusual” for bts to go on the UN? they’ve been there 3 times. bts are a group who’ve done so much for this generation, and for more to come. they bring in an estimated $5B a year to south korea. that’s about half a percent of the country’s entire economy. james has the audacity to call it “unusual” and decides to stereotype bts’ fandom by calling us “15 year old girls”? i would like to have you know that bts has fans around all different ages, from babies to elderly people. not only did bts speak at the UN, they came as diplomatic ambassadors with the FUCKING PRESIDENT OF SOUTH KOREA. and you don’t deserve to look at them as “asian idols” “kpop idols”, they’ve done more than any artist ever. they use their platform to spread awareness about inequality, hate, poverty, and more. they also donate and support small businesses. i don’t want to hear racist shit come out of his mouth next. bts only deserves the best. james cordon is a sexist, back-stabbing, disrespectful, unfunny talk show host. don’t talk shit on bts’ name. they’ve done more than you have. i’m truly disappointed.