Not recommend to start the game if you are enthusiastic and take it serious or if you don't have a clan or a team around you that can help you to push. The ranked mode is very badly developed, new players have access to it after playing for a certain amount of hours and AI calculates results and places you in a rank then.
Problem is, no one knows the game by only playing a certain amount of hours. There is no help towards strategic management of the game like warding, what a support hero is and how to play this type of heros or who initiates a fight and so on. It is pretty sad how easy players with absolutely no knowledge about the game or their heros have access to play a ranked game and fugg up other players ranks and mmr. I played with players ranked who didn't even know the difference between the two wards in the game or how to pull creeps. This shouldn't be allowed and all that also explains the decreasing number of international dota players with an all time low in 2023. Really play LOL or others games but don't waste your time with this nerv killing game. Is really not worth it and the positive energy draining moments are bigger then the joyfull ones.