This is the first review I've ever posted of a game, and I felt compelled because this is the most beautiful game I have ever played. Hands-down. Truly incredible, and hugely emotionally evocative. I was losing it IRL playing through the last act. I'm not usually much for mostly story driven games, but man, this grabbed me. It's not a straight hack-and-slash, but the combat is challenging and engaging enough, and the puzzles clever enough, to let the narrative and character get their hooks in you. All while giving a powerful, empathetic, and, due to the amount of research the devs put in, accurate depiction of severe mental illness. It was almost too immersive, I could only play in fairly small increments or my own reality started to feel strange.
All told, its a ground-breaking work of art and I cannot recommend it highly enough. A remarkable depiction of the brutal, desperate, sometimes hopeless, and yet fearless human struggle against the encroaching darkness that we all, to some extent, share.