Really tremendous. Great acting--love the two leads--and such an inventive yet concerning story line! Might have liked one last episode because this show gets you so emotionally involved, yet the final scene is perfect and right in line with the mix of subtle blended with intense script direction. And the cliff-hangers! I kept begging my husband to stay up later to watch more episodes with me (he has to work very early a.m.). The series is so unique in that it addresses a likely common life irritation, but then takes it to such unforeseen and unimaginable lengths! It makes you wonder about anger, how it can get out of control, the many places it comes from and builds from, and how we feed it. The imagery is good too, inferring that we all come from and are eventually going to the same place, and is the anger really worth it? Don't we all just want to be loved and understood before we fade away? Beef starts off so funny and keeps that humor as the intensity grows, to such proportions that you laugh and feel sad and are fearful all at once. I haven't seen anything like it before, and hope to see something like it again!