The Passionate Eye is an excellent program and Wendy Mesley is a fantastic reporter. The recent controversy over her use of the 'N' word was nonsense. She was in a discussion with other professionals and referenced the book 'White Ni**ers of America' and got bush-wacked by a black woman on the call who didn't have the courtesy to simply say "Please don't use that word in any context." Instead she allowed the conversation to continue then filed a complaint with the CBC. Wendy is an extremely competent and experienced professional and I know she would never use that term in the pejorative sense. This is an unfair blot on her excellent record over many years so I hope she will be allowed to continue her career with the CBC. This is a perfect example of how anyone can be ruined very easily by someone taking a statement out of context. Remember, ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU.