Morbius still stands as the most movie ever made in my, (and I can surely speak for everyone who has watched the movie (7 morbillion to be exact)) opinion. Actually, a fact, not an opinion. Casting Senator Armstrong as shrek was, to this day, the best move Marvel have ever made, cashing them in a considerable sum of 15 rare fish. *SPOILER ALERT* The only downside to this movie was the post credit death of Quandale Dingle by the hands of Walter Hartwell White (Heisenberg). I understand that they were setting him up for a big role as the main antagonist in the big 4th movie in the Better Call Saul series, but we all would have loved to see Quandale again, as one of the most beloved character in the entire Star Wars franchise.
The plot of Morbius has no plotholes, and it realy increases the tension up until the big reveal at the end of the movie. However, on my 69,420 morbillionth watch of the movie, I realised Jesse Pinkman, after saying Morbius's famous line: "I have a dream." That one day every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee.", Jesse could be seen outside the restaurant El Cameno. THIS IS MEANT TO BE SPELT EL CAMINO!!! Other than that, great movie.
I rate 174 Goofy Ahhs/10