I hardly ever write reviews but Jack Ryan is the best show on tv and I don’t want it to end after 4 w only one spin off We need more How about Mr November being a show???? How original. Also give us sequel movies to jack Ryan there’s a lot of time between where jack is now and the presidency. Movies showing his moves up to director, senator and his race to the presidency I’m sure the writers could show many conspiracies that jack and friends need to combat along his way to and including his race to president so if the sequel ends do it in movies Back to MR November Use this actor and the role you have already set up for him He’s perfect this new series/spin off should be about Following a reputable high end mercenary/security company for hire. Make his company really high end w special services, top tech and top end everything traveling all over the world and back again working for all different kinds of people Add some young hot intelligence, tech geniuses and military men and women maybe even having to live together in a gorgeous compound in the Canary Islands making it secretive, private, to prevent extradition and corrupted players from screwing up and being bought off. Use the top end security technology, stuff that we never heard of…make stuff up. Future tech…maybe part of the company is a tech division creating expensive surveillance and tech equipment. Like James Bond. Make this company even have set up security initiatives for being employed there like surveillance on their own employees and dive into Mr. November’s role. He’s a great actor Maybe add a co-owner. His ex wife.lol Each episode could be completely different. Or overlap it w several clients ( good actors in all different roles) even some that tie together. Have them Go all over the world. I don’t think this has been done before to this scale but this show could really be something endless. and different than ur norm showing the life of Hollywood, politics, royalty, top companies, conglomerates, sheiks, military, tech corporations, even big name families, it’s really endless making each episode special. And bring jack and/ or others into the series once or twice This would be a hit of the decade along w jack Ryan