Right this is an opinion from someone who is yet to play any of the uncharted games, I went into this with an open mind and just hearing good things about the series. So here we go
I personally thought the story was decent i thought the characters made it good that being sully and Nate being a good duo having funny humor and making the game a little more enjoyable with their witty comments to one another then
Then you have Elena who is a cool character and all but all she was at the start of the game was a women with a Camera that was innocent but by the 3rd chapter she was completely fine with killing people bit odd but i suppose fight or flight ya know.
The worst part of the story for me was the El derado curse shambolic basically turning the game into call of duty zombies and making the so called villains who you was trying to beat to el dorado in the first place pointless and not needed.
Not a lot to say about the combat other than it's very repetitive and a bit misleading i'd argue your best friend is probably your pistol as most of the other guns are underwhelming or the bloom from shooting 3 bullets makes the spray go everywhere.
Plus the bad guys in this game are very generic and are nothing special they all look the same and do the same things
There isn't any enough said on that matter really
Level design
Very basic i mean its cool to start with then you come to realize that most of the levels are the same and it gets a bit tedious to go through them you kinda want to get through them and get to the next cut scene half way through
Overall it's a decent game for when it come out i enjoyed it other than the ending i thought that sort of killed it for me but i can see why people enjoyed the game and moved on the buy the games after
Now i'm gonna start the second one and go from there