Whilst beatifully shot and I have no problem with the diverse casting choices that others have mentioned (Dickens focussed on the universal human condition rather than the hue of skin), but......
1. Pip remained a "course and common labouring boy" until he moved to London. He only became a snob after his move.
2. Jaggers was not an evil man, just rather somewhat abrupt
3, Jaggers announces himself as a "KC" (IF he had taken silk during the Victorian era it would have been "QC")
4. Jaggers states to a drunken Pip when announcing his fotune that he has come from Miss Haversham and Estella - bollocks!
5. The S&M between Mrs Joe and Pumblechook is ridiculous
6. The portrayal of Magwitch in Australia completely destoys the element of surprise that in fact he is Pip's real benefactor
7.I could go on,,,,,,,,