The story deals with the theme of class conflict in the 1960's India. The central character Ratanlal (Dilip Kumar) is the mouthpiece of labour class of India whereas Seth Sevakram is the mill owner who represents the capitalist class.
The central plot, however, is marred with story of Manju (Vaijayanti Mala) who is the illegal daughter of Seth Sevakram.
However, Ramlal (Raj Kumar), the elder brother of Ratanlal, seems to be a character burdened with the family responsibilities. He has sent Ratanlal to Calcutta to study engineering. He has a young daughter to be married. It is because of these responsibilities that he is not so vocal against the exploitation of his mill co-workers as his younger brother Ratanlal is.
The end of the movie is highly dramatic and it seems that the writer has pushed the story to get it ended.
A one time watched movie.