I think after Thor Ragnarok and my love of all things Taika Waititi I may have gone in with expectations too high. This film felt tonally discordant, like it couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Sometimes it felt like it was aimed at little children and I'd unwittingly stumbled into a film for infants, whereas at others it became tonally dark (there is one particular scene with Gorr which felt very eerie and intense, which I enjoyed, but in the context of the overall film it felt jarring). Some of the comedy aspects were pure Taika Waititi gold, but a lot of them fell oddly flat which was a big surprise and very disappointing after watching other things he's worked on. And I really hated those screaming goats!!
Gorr was an excellent villain and well acted but more depth for his storyline was needed. In fact, more depth from the storyline was needed throughout. Things Taika works on usually strike a perfect balance between funny and serious, such as Ragnarok and the absolutely wonderful Our Flag Means Death, but this time he sort of missed the mark. It was just all a bit TOO flippant which had the effect of dampening any emotional impact of the more serious scenes. The beginning in particular felt discordant and messy. I felt that the focus on a love story also undermined the film a bit, as Thor and Jane had little chemistry, and I really enjoyed the fact that Ragnarok didn't focus on romance and stuck to good funny, action fun. I feel like the film could have been a lot more interesting if it ran with the Asgardians of the Galaxy aspect hinted at in Endgame, rather than a romance plot that felt a bit forced. I also feel like the internal logic of the film was undermined by Thor being able to just grant powers to people whenever he felt like it, which made the writing of the film seem quite lazy.
Jane's arc was actually interesting and she had some really great moments, although how she came to be Mighty Thor again lacked depth. Valkyrie was wonderful and I'm so glad to see they made her queerness more explicit in this film, although again there were times when that too lacked depth (the random flirting with a character who doesn't say anything was a bit weak).
Overall this film was an odd experience. Some parts of it were highly entertaining and I loved Taika's use of colour/lack thereof. It had some funny jokes and a few powerful moments, with some fun action sequences. But a lot of the jokes just didn't work, it lacked internal logic and a cohesive plot, and the separate peices of the film rubbed up against each other in the wrong way.