I was playing Fallen order on and off for months, it captured the feeling of being a true Star Wars entry and that's the best thing about it for me. However, the game slowly got repetitive and I found myself disassociating myself from the main character, he was cool and all but lacked the investment I wanted from him - the performance from the actor was good though. I don't think I'd ever play Fallen Order again but I'm glad other Star Wars fans are enjoying it more than I did. With that being said, the graphics, animations and design is gorgeous - it's one of the most visually faithful and well-paced games I've ever played on Playstation by a mile. This is coming from a huge Star Wars fan, I grew up with the saga and have came to really appreciate it in more depth over time. If they make a sequel, and I know EA will, I'll play it - as i consume anything STAR WARS related lol - I just hope the next one improves upon the faults of this one. So overall, it was just okay for me.