I admonish Carol’s writing Style, and her use of stories to convey and hammer in her point, it’s good, but for someone who preaches the Growth Mindset there were lots of times I caught you in the fixed mindset, I’d ignore and keep reading but you’d do it again, and again, and again, I let myself become so agitated that the thought of burning your book came to mind, but it’s an ebook so I’d basically be damaging my device if I do so. The Growth Mindset is about not putting a cap on one’s ability, hence the word “Growth” that’s the philosophy of the growth mindset, Continuous improvement, regardless of a person’s current ability. You were “Capping” lots of times, the growth mindset isn’t based on what is but rather the infinite possibility of what can be if we tried. Many times you assumed what could be based off what already is, that’s the fixed mindset, but I know you can improve Carol. You can Grow, take it one step at a time.