Very good game. The way they’ve incorporated both comic-like art style, good game mechanics, and the use of Rythmatic synchronizing throughout both the game scenery and the action within the game is new and well done. I enjoyed this game thoroughly. This game alone made it difficult to score high on level scores due to its rigorous button timing which gave not only a good challenge, but made the idea of actual battle critical to both the beat of the game as well as knowing your button timing. I’ve rage quit playing on the hardest difficulty because you truely have to master timing and understanding of your opponents attack catelog.
the two things I believe that this game lacks, is the ability to skip cutscenes entirely. There’s cinematic cutscenes which you can skip, and the pre-event cutscene that is more comic-like in art that you cannot skip. With that in mind, if you lose a level or a boss fight, you have to relive the cutscenes (having to skip the cinematic and listen to the couple seconds of dialogue in the pre-event cutscene). There should be a way to just get right into the fight as for those playing on “very difficult” may wind up hearing and skipping that cutscene enough times to find it annoying.
The second being the scoring. For long levels, if individual “chorus (sub levels)” are all scored at a “B”, then your overall score and total % of “just timing (hitting buttons to the beat) is what will make or break how you faired in a rating; in most cases I’ve scored all “A” and received an overall “D” or “C”. I think the grading scale could make a little more sense to reflect how the chorus ratings look considering multiple high ratings to get an almost failing rating overall doesn’t quite make sense.
Overall I give this game an 8.5/10