BC is always very watchable and for the most part the casting is on point, although the mafia boss seems intent on doing his best De Niro face throughout - maybe at the directors behest. The main issue is the massive holes in the plot from the outset. There seems to be a real problem when it comes to time-line. No one seems interested in when the car was "robbed" - not the police or the mob. Had any interested party thought to do so then case closed. It would have been easy to fix this post production.
When outed by granny about there not being any evidence of them visiting the grave on the anniversary the judge comes cleans and admits the lie instead of saying that someone must have taken the card/flowers etc - again an easy fix.
Finally, his birthday - he announces (for no obvious reason) that it is his birthday while on the boat with that odd Scottish enforcer, after which he hoses himself down, goes home (at night) and burns his clothes. Then Carlo is arrested (in the day time) and taken away. He is then arraigned (by the judge) I assume a day later. The judge then goes for drinks and finally he arrives home (again at night) and he walks into his surprise birthday party. So how long did his birthday last - 3 days by my reckoning. Had he not mentioned that it was his birthday on the boat then no problem so why leave that scene in?
Still watchable but unnecessary mistakes.