"The Great Gatsby," directed by Baz Luhrmann and based on F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel, is a cinematic treat that pleasantly surprised me. I must admit, I initially watched it solely for Leonardo DiCaprio, but what I found was far more than I expected. The film's storytelling and cinematography are really good. One of the most intriguing aspects was the clever use of CGI. While the story itself doesn't scream for CGI scenes, its inclusion was a pleasant surprise that added a unique touch to the narrative. The characters are portrayed in a truly distinctive and interesting manner, with top-notch performances all around. It's true that the story can occasionally be on the over-the-top side, but I believe the film handled its adaptation into the modern era remarkably well.
Overall, "The Great Gatsby" is a well-paced and thoroughly entertaining experience that I would recommend to anyone. So, give it a try—you won't regret it, and who knows, you might just find yourself as captivated by it as I was!